You can accurately predict performance, behavior, and team-fit when considering employees and candidates at all levels
Every manager and employee understands the other’s communication style ensuring optimal team and individual performance is the norm
Having a competitive-edge attracting, vetting, hiring and retaining only the best candidates suited for every role using a scientifically validated process, is simple
Human bias is eliminated, hiring misfires are eliminated, people are given jobs they’ll excel in, and morale, retention rates and productivity soars
Creating alignment between your company’s business strategy and talent strategy is straight-forward, uncomplicated and easy
Using cutting-edge workplace psychometric assessment technology is inexpensive, fast, and accurate, and you company saves thousands of dollars on a yearly basis

The Predictive Index® or PI® is a scientifically validated tool that allows businesses to understand the factors driving their workforce. Harnessing the power of 550 scientific validation studies and 33 million assessments over the past 65-years, this solution empowers business leaders to utilize cutting-edge psychometric technology to recruit, retain, diagnose, design and inspire people while creating optimally performing winning teams and managing people intelligently.
Shulman Associates facilitates the knowledge transfer to your company to ensure swift adoption, direct ROI, and high impact on performance metrics. We advance your company’s understanding of every team member, and your company’s analytical capabilities, while providing actionable insights that help you make better decisions faster.

Check out The Annual CEO Benchmarking Report 2019 from PI Resources.
Talent Optimization is a four-part discipline that details how to align your company’s business strategy with your talent strategy. At the core of Talent Optimization is the collection, analysis, and application of people data garnered with PI.

- Diagnose: First, using PI®, we’ll measure critical people data like behavior, cognition, employee engagement, job performance, team organization and culture, and employee sentiment. And then we’ll analyze the data, and determine the best course of action.
- Design: Most companies throw together employees without considering the individuals which is why results suffer. An intentional approach provides greater success. We’ll show you how to use PI® to evaluate and design your leadership team – all teams – so you can understand the team’s dynamics and establish your preferred culture.
- Hire: We’ll show you how to use PI data insights to hire top talent and build high-performing teams inclusive of defining job requirements, predicting new hire and team dynamics, and address cultural fit. The ability to hire well eliminates expensive misfires and sets the stage for organizational success.
- Inspire: In most companies, employees lack the necessary people data insights to work together at their best – they inadvertently create communications problems and conflicts. We’ll show you how PI uses people data to drive important employee-oriented activities that support the critical relationship between an employee and their manager, in addition to career pathing and maintaining organizational culture.
Using the Predictive Index and the Talent Optimization process eliminates bias while expediting and streamlining multiple talent systems such as job design, recruiting, screening, hiring, team building, selection/promotion, conflict resolution, overall communication, performance management, and coaching.
- Predict performance from current staff and candidates you’re considering hiring
- Gain job-fit insights
- Design accurate job specs that reflect the exact behavioral and cognitive needs required for success for each specific role in your company
- Place people in positions where they’ll excel, increasing retention and saving your company from hiring “misfires” thus saving precious time and money
- Discover your company’s “high potentials’ and leaders
- Build stronger, smarter and more cohesive teams by aligning individual’s behaviors and skill sets that complement each other
- Understand where talent gaps exist between people and positions and how to fill them, driving more successful business outcomes
- Provide effective coaching and communication to drive work-place self-awareness and have frictionless interactions that maximize employee engagement and great work
- Eradicate sales slumps, poor management issues, and poor morale – people don’t leave companies, they leave bad managers.
With more than 3 decades in the recruitment and talent advisory business, we know a thing or two about how companies work, recruit and ultimately succeed – or not. When companies employ The Predictive Index® there’s really no excuse for failure to thrive. Let us provide you with a free BA (Behavior Assessment) so you can experience, first-hand, the power of this solution, and what it can do for your company. You’ll be amazed by the extensive information a 5-minute assessment provides. In a matter of seconds you’ll connect-the-dots how this solution can help you and your teams. Once PI is on-board, we’ll quickly and seamlessly partner with your executive team and walk you through every step to integrate the PI® solution with a Talent Optimization strategy inclusive of showing you how to design high-performing teams that are scientifically validated to be successful in a specific role. Beyond attracting candidates, hiring and job design, you’ll also find yourselves using the solution for team building, performance management, coaching, conflict resolution, and succession management. Many companies use it for sales and with partners and vendors. Because these powerful solutions are scalable and repeatable, you’ll consistently use them every day as they become an integral part of your company. And we’re with you every step of the way – 24/7 – to help keep you stay on-course and support the knowledge transfer from PI Master Trainers to your company. No one knows your business better than you; harnessing the genius and efficacy of the Predictive Index solution will immediately change the trajectory that aligns your company’s business strategy with your people strategy.